



WLP, promoted for the 2023 World Class Product of Korea

Award at the The Great Music Festival for the Developmentally Disabled (Lua Orchestra)

World's First PI exception Package Technology Commercialized

2023년도 이미지

AJoin ASIC(American Semiconductor Innovation Coalition)

1st publication of ESG report

Joined UCIe (Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express) Consortium

Established ‘Lua Orchestra’, a music group for the disabled

Awarded Gold Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit

Selected as one of the top 10 lighthouse companies

FOPLP, Selected as a Next-Gen. World-Class Product

2021년도 이미지

Completion of the Cheongan Campus Chemical Fab

Selected as an Excellent Employment Company of Chungcheongbuk-do

Won This Year’s Brand Award(Cocoa Fab)

Certificate of excellent human resource development institution

Awarded for ESG Management Awards

2021년도 이미지

Changed the name of nepes Display to nepes yahad

Established nepes laweh

Completion of the PLP Fab at Cheongan Campus

Initial offering of Nepes Ark on KOSDAQ

2020년도 이미지

Acquisition of Deca Technologies Fab Philippines (FOWLP)

Established nepes Ark

Selected as the 'World Champ Cultivation Business' by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy


Awarded the Grand Prize at the National Competitiveness Awards, Manufacturing Division

Awarded a Prime Minister Citation as the “Leading Company of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” at the National Productivity Competition

2018년도 이미지

Built the system for the mass production of PLP (Panel Level Package)

Started the mass production of AI neuromorphic semiconductor

Awarded the Presidential Citation at the 'Local Employment Creation' division as a contributor to the development of local industries

Acquisition of certificate of AEO (Authorized Economic Operator)

Awarded the First Prize by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism as an Excellent Company in Reading Management

2017년도 이미지

Signed an MOU for business cooperation in AI neuromorphic chip

Product of nepes selected as a World-Class Product of Korea


Selected as a World-Class 300 Company

Awarded a Minister of Trade, Industry, and Energy Citation at the Materials & Components Awards

Completion of construction of fab in China (Jiangsu nepes)

2015년도 이미지

Established JV Jiangsu nepes, China

2014년도 이미지

Completion of LED factory in Russia

Selected as an Excellent Company in Sustainable Management (Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy)


Established nepes rus

Selected as a Company with a Good Working Environment by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy

Awarded the First Prize at the Sustainable Management Awards (Ministry of Knowledge Economy/Small and Medium Business Administration)

2011년도 이미지

Launched the production corporation of iridos

Authorized nepes LED’s R&D center

Established nepes Display (subsidiary)

Awarded a Presidential Citation at the Large, Small, and Medium Corporation Cooperation Awards

2010 년도 이미지

Established BMP-NEPES-GmbH R&D center in Germany


Established nepes LED (subsidiary)

Initial offering of nepes New Materials (subsidiary) on KOSDAQ


Completion of construction of the Hotel West of Canaan

Awarded the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy Prize at the Electronic Components Technology Awards

2007 년도 이미지

Completion of construction of Factory 3 in Ochang (electronic materials)

Completion of construction of Factory 2 in Ochang (electronic materials)

Established the joint venture nepes Pte in Singapore

Awarded the Silver Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit for Venture

Awarded the Grand Prize at the Ethical Management Awards, Transparent Management Division (New Industry Management Academy)

2006 년도 이미지

Ranked 500th-123th at the Asia Pacific Technology Fast 500

Awarded the Bronze Prize at the Korea Technology Fast 50


Began the Functional Chemical business

Began the bio-coating business

Ranked 500th-172th at the Asia Pacific Technology Fast 500

Awarded the Excellence Prize at the Korea Technology Fast 50

2004 년도 이미지

Completion of construction of Factory 1 in Ochang (electronic materials)

2001 년도 이미지

Initial offering on KOSDAQ


Awarded the Grand Prize for Venture by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy


Established the nepes R&D center

Milestone of 10 million dollars worth of exports


Milestone of 5 million dollars worth of exports


Launched the Industrial Clean Room business


Established Clean Creative