Nepes Rua Orchestra to Perform Opening Act
at the ‘Korea Elementary School Principal’s Association’ Summer Training
Conference on the 17th.
▲Rua Orchestra performing on stage(Photo=Nepes Culture Division)
The 'Rua Orchestra' under Nepes, conducted
by Kim Namjin, performed the opening act at the 62nd Summer Training Conference
of the Korea Elementary School Principal’s Association, which was held on
August 17th at the Cheongju University Seokwoo Culturegym.
▲Attendees enjoying the performance of the Rua Orchestra(Photo=Nepes Culture Division)
In this event, attended by Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister of Education Lee Ju-ho, along with over 4,000 elementary
school principals from all over the country, the Rua Orchestra showcased a
diverse repertoire that transcended classical and contemporary music, including
'B Rossette' from the drama OST and Johann Strauss’ Kaiserwalzer(Op. 437),
eliciting a warm response from the attendees.
'Rua', which means 'to shout for joy', is Nepes'
in-house orchestra that was established in May 2022. It is composed of 22
individuals with severe developmental disabilities and 12 leaders. With the
goal of transforming their peers and the local community through music, and
further contributing to social integration to create a healthy community, the Rua
Orchestra is actively engaging in performances and leading the communication
between disabled and non-disabled people in the field of cultural arts.