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On November 13th, Nepes was awarded Honorary Grand Prize of Red Cross Member Order’ by Korean Red Cross at its 113th-anniversary event of Korean Red Cross.

Korean Red Cross's Honor Grand Prize is awarded to member companies, which have donated more than 100 million won cumulatively, and Nepes is the only awarded company among the members of ChungCheongbukdo regional branch. 

Nepes has been donating 500,000 won per month for the vulnerable groups in the region for 6 years since 2013, and has been steadily sharing through non-regular special membership donation.  

On the other hand, the event was awarded government awards, the Korean Red Cross's Medal of Honor and recognition to 900 people who practiced volunteer spirit.  

More than 350 people attended the ceremony including Kim Kyoung-Bae, president of the Korean Red Cross Chung-Cheongbukdo branch, Lee Si-Jong, governor of ChungCheongbukdo, Chang Seon-Bae, chairman of Chung-Cheongbukdo provincial council, and Han Beom-Deok, mayor of Chung Ju city.