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2024-03-27 사업보고서 (2023.12) 네패스
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2023-12-14 주주명부폐쇄기간또는기준일설정 네패스

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On March 14th, the ground-breaking ceremony for ‘the Hospital of Love' sponsored by Mr. Lee was held in Siem Reap, Cambodia. This is the second time that he sponsored for setting up the hospital, following in Vietnam in 2004. Mr. Lee and eight Nepes employees with best performance joined the ceremony. And community leaders, residents of Siem Reap and Mr. Haeng Sang-Rim, President of Cambodia, joined as well. During the ceremony, Nepes distributed rice, T-shirts, and towels to the residents. This is one of examples Nepes takes responsibility to society

The Hospital of Love is another incarnation of Mr. Lee's sharing philosophy of giving hope to the ones in need and inspiring them to voluntarily improve their living conditions rather than simply providing financial support. The Hospital in Siem Reap will be operated by International Love Mission for the first 5 years and managed by the Cambodian government afterwards