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Date Disclosure Title Reporter
2024-05-16 분기보고서 (2024.03) 네패스
2024-03-28 대표이사변경 네패스
2024-03-28 정기주주총회결과 네패스
2024-03-27 사업보고서 (2023.12) 네패스
2024-03-26 감사보고서제출 네패스
2024-03-19 기타경영사항(자율공시) (감사보고서 제출 지연) 네패스
2024-03-13 주주총회소집공고 네패스
2024-03-13 매출액또는손익구조30%(대규모법인은15%)이상변동 네패스
2024-03-13 주주총회소집결의 네패스
2024-02-26 주식등의대량보유상황보고서(일반) 이병구

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Mr. Byung-Koo Lee was appointed a part-time professor of the Business School of Ewah Women's University. On March 12th, he gave his first lecture to 180 students on the topic of "Purpose-Driven Management". Ewha Women's University presented a plate of appreciation to Mr. Lee in that despite of his busy schedule, he accepted the position to train promising students who will lead the Korean economy in the future. Mr. Lee said, "I will do my best to achieve the educational goal of this university to foster students to the creative entrepreneurs."