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2024-03-13 매출액또는손익구조30%(대규모법인은15%)이상변동 네패스

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Nepes Semiconductors has announced that it has won a large number of low-power PMICs for AI servers from Seattle-based power semiconductor specialist fabless.

The 8-inch is currently 3,000 wafers per month, but it will be increased to 20,000 wafers from the second quarter, and the 12-inch will secure production capacity of 10,000 wafers per month by this year and expand to 15,000 wafers per month by next year. The total investment is about 60 billion to 70 billion won.

In particular, 12-inch products will be mainly supplied to the largest AI semiconductor server system in the United States, with up to 3,000 PMICs per system. As a result, low-power PMIC has been attracting much attention as a technology that maximizes the power efficiency of the server, and Nepes successfully commercialized this technology and won a large number of orders this time.

Meanwhile, the Nepes Semiconductor division is continuing to grow significantly thanks to the growth of AI phones, and its existing business is continuing to grow steadily as OLED adoption increases in mobile phone and automotive electronics products.

The Nepes Corp. has a semiconductor division and an electronic materials division, and the semiconductor division is expected to grow rapidly from 350 billion won in sales this year thanks to the growth of AI semiconductors and expect sales of more than 520 billion won in 2026, while the electronic materials division expects sales of more than 190 billion won in 2026 from 95 billion won this year. The Nepes Corp. expects sales of the two divisions to grow steeply over the next two years by forecasting sales of 445 billion won this year to 710 billion won in 2026.

press release inquiry : pr@nepes.co.kr