
Investor Relations



NEPES held a ceremony, ‘T-management declaration', on May 2, 2005, with B.K. Lee, CEO, the president of NEPES as the central figure, all members of local branches each division through video conference system.

In this event, B.K. Lee said, in the workshop for directors was held on the end of March, we reconfirmed and have practiced our management philosophy, ‘Serving Life, Challenging Attitude, and Gratefulness', also, I think the current our business divisional management scheme has a limitation for leaping toward a global company and enforcing our competitiveness. So, to overcome this limitation, I introduced Collaborative management as a new management scheme and launched newly to reach our goal, ‘Organization that brings in the future'.

Additionally, B.K. Lee emphasized on if all members of NEPES family share the meaning of our management philosophy and practice it with growing our competitiveness, NEPES could be a sound company, 2010.

Dear Nepes Family Members!

On 1 April, I announced the T-Management during the workshop held at Kunshan , China , which was organized for all the Directors from NEPES and all our overseas offices and affiliates. T-Management refers to accompanying, Collaborative Management . The present form of working alone or interacting only within the same department will have limitation in the growth of the company. We have to work hand in hand in order to overcome this limit and to achieve higher goal.

NEPES family will constantly develop and overcome the limitation of growth when we try to closely understand what and how other departments work and extend our full support. T-Management is to think of others' problems as mine and extend our help to them. T-Management starts from the correct understanding of the company's identity i.e. management philosophy. Serving life is to satisfy not only customers and neighbors' needs and tastes but also endure hardship during the course of our work. In order to serve our customers at our best, we certainly need to grow. However, we cannot achieve our target all by ourselves. This is possible through T-Management. We have to develop our capability and competency in order to better our serving life. Everyone should not cease to take up the challenge to try new things with passion and develop one's expertise through education and training. This is the Challenging Attitude . However, it is very difficult to figure out where and how we should challenge in today's information overflow. To find that out, we must possess the insight and foresight and these abilities come only when we have a healthier mind. We must cultivate the habit of having a Gratefulness to be part of our life to have healthier mind.

Dear NEPES Family! Expert opinions might vary but we can generally define our objective in life into 5 factors, namely Work, Training, Networking, Guidance, and Spiritual Life Work forms the core part of our life, and an organization is required as there is a limitation to working alone. Training is necessary to enhance one's character and improve the quality of work and nothing is more important than networking to get the job done. Networking refers to forming a personal relationship and maintaining it. It is important to develop intimate relationships and genuine motive is required for that. In order to attain a true relationship, one must have the interest of the other party at all times and thus, open one's mind to different values and learn to accept mistakes made by others. Human beings are weak in nature and therefore have the tendency to choose the wrong path in life. We have to watch over others so that they do not take the wrong path. This is Guidance . Now, one can commit sins or lead a false life. One must have a strong mind in order not to commit sins to live an honest life. Spiritual Life plays an important role for one to have a strong mind so that he will not commit any sins and live an honest life. To achieve success in life, 5 factors just mentioned will have to balance among one another. We have to be able to think the way management philosophy is linked with objectives in life. Objectives in life will be attainable by practicing the management philosophy.

Dear NEPES Family Members!

In the New Year Message, I highlighted 『 Cost, Speed, New Things 』 as the keywords of Management for year 2006. These 3 keywords are the foundation of competitiveness. We will lose out in the competition if any one of them is missing. We have to devote all our efforts in securing cost competitiveness, speed competitiveness, and competitiveness for new things in order to survive in the competition and for continuous growth. Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to highlight three strategies that we have to put into practice in the long term.

First is the Creation of Product Value. Creating product value refers to innovation of values such as performance, design, and quality, and it also refers to Product Technology that can create new products that are suitable for this era and environmental changes, Production Technology that improves the quality yet lowers cost with zero defect technology, and it also refers to the reform of Sales Technology through cultivating marketing-oriented sales force by innovating productivity. In this age of limitless competition, speed is the key competitive edge. Speed means efficiency as well as productivity and we need to create awareness that it also equals money. We can only survive the competition when the productivity increment speed overtakes wage increment speed.
Second is the Maturity of Human Value. This is about all the employees and executives, as a global talent, improve core quality and provide value to the organization in terms of job capability and commitment to work. They should nurture their characters with modesty, gratitude, honesty, and morality and also learn wisdom of life such as frontier mindset, Win-Win strategy, pre-accumulation post-thrust etc., and need to develop intangible assets such as brand, respect, trust and transparency as well.

Third is the Creation of Advent Future. To achieve this, we will work towards building an organization with high performance, continuously pursue changes, and accumulate social capital such as Strategic Alliance, M&A, Outsourcing, and Networking and thus implement Strategic Management. With a mid-term goal set to 『 Rank in Top 100 Domestic Companies 』 by the year 2010 and a vision of 『 Organization that Advances the Future 』 , I am confident that we can fulfill our goals if we thrust forward with T-Management and execute the three strategies and management philosophy.

Dear NEPES Family!

NEPES will change company regulations, system, rule, and working method on a large scale according to the T-Management. We shall leave individualism and group egoism a history and try to break down the barrier between individuals and departments. Changes will lead us to some sacrifices, even sufferings but it will give one a sense of accomplishment that was worth to try. Let us change starting with myself, our department, and our divisions. Let us all move towards one direction with a challenging attitude and try not to be easily contented. Let us not forget this day, this moment. Let us remember this moment when we rejoice for achieving our goal. Let us march forward to a prosperous and aspiring future.
Thank you.

2 May, 2006

Chairman, Lee Byung Koo