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2024-07-05 채무인수결정 네패스
2024-06-24 [기재정정]신규시설투자등 네패스
2024-05-16 분기보고서 (2024.03) 네패스
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2024-03-19 기타경영사항(자율공시) (감사보고서 제출 지연) 네패스
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2024-03-13 매출액또는손익구조30%(대규모법인은15%)이상변동 네패스

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Eyes are on local SMEs manufacturing high-tech materials, components and equipment amid expectations of a super cycle for semiconductors this year and scaled-up government support.

The semiconductor equipment market is expected to grow to $71.9 billion in 2021, up 4.3 percent from $68.9 billion in 2020. The market is forecast to grow to 76.1 billion in 2022.




Also among promising players is Nepes, a leading outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) firm.

OSATs offer third-party packaging and test services for semiconductor firms. They package silicon devices that are made by foundries and test devices prior to shipping them to the market. Their role comes in the end stage of semiconductor manufacturing process after the wafer fabrication and wafer probe stages.

(the rest omitted)

[Source=The Korea Times https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2021/01/129_302020.html]