Nepes, released the first ESG report...containing 'sustainable future'
-Nepes expands the key principal of 'gratitude Management' to ESG activities
-New creation of new jobs, expanding eco-friendly business, and achieving a 100% recycling rate.
Nepes (the chairman Lee Byung-Koo ) has released an ESG report containing its sustainable business operation, ESG achievement and vision.
The ESG report entitled 'Sustainable Future' includes Nepes ESG business operation vision and strategy, and its ESG achievement in 2021.
Nepes has written environmental and safe business strategy and promotion of work, eco-friendly business and reduced environmentally influential activity in 2021, and released greenhouse gases, waste, and emission of air and water pollutants from its sites.
For the business part of human resources , it also introduced creation of jobs and human resources development, which are the purposes of the company.
Nepes have formed ESG TF since the declaration of ESG Life Management in 2021, conducted its own status inspection and evaluation by analyzing the reference indicators such as K-ESG and GRI, and is conducting ESG management activities linked to better performance outside based on their investments.
From 2022, the ESG education curriculum has been added as an essential competency course for the S1 positions to create and familiarize its in-house ESG related vibe. Nepes plans to continually check and improve its ESG status to find more realistic and improved ESG implementation measures.
Chairman Lee Byung-Koo said that "Since establishment of the Nepes, we have been following the management principle centered on the purpose of 'seeking the interests of others.'" He also added that "nepes have a great responsibility and our goal is be necessary to the world and we will patiently practice ESG management by sharing what we have with the world."
The electronic document file of the Nepes ESG report can be found on their website (