
Ethical Management


 Code of Ethics  to Determine the
Ethical Values for nepes

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The ethical management that nepes pursues is not a simple means of controlling the corruption of the members in the organization. It is to make the foundation of ethical management on which the company can deeply move not only its Management to satisfy, create value, and protect our customers but also the whole society as its potential Management to satisfy, create value, and protect our customers.

To cultivate an atmosphere where workers can make decisions following ethical values and emphasize ethical management complying with business ethics including regulations and principles, we conducted a survey on our workers about the "ethical values that nepes should pursue" in October 2012.

As a results, the code of ethics of nepes was enacted based on six key values selected by our workers: fairness, justice, equality, law-abiding, respect, and honesty.

 Ethical Regulation , the Criteria of Right Behaviors and Value Judgment for nepes Workers

nepes set much value on the ethical responsibility of a company and set it as the foundation of management.

We not only seek after profit as a company but manage the company considering the relationship with various stakeholders, including our Management to satisfy, create value, and protect our customers, members, shareholders, and partners.
We have enacted the Ethical Regulation for the criteria of right behaviors and value judgment of nepes.

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 Guideline for the Practice of  Ethical Regulations  for the Ethical Choices of nepes Workers

The Guideline for the Practice of Ethical Regulations is a detailed guideline in which all nepes workers should comply with to prevent corruption and build a transparent environment for management. To address the ethical concerns of nepes workers, the Guideline for the Practice of Ethical Regulations presents detailed guidelines about ethical issues that workers often face in the business in six areas : fair and transparent performance of tasks, restrictions on earning unfair private profits, prohibited matters between workers, diligent report and protection of company’s information, respecting labor human rights, whistleblow of violations.

  • 01Fair and Transparent Performance of Tasks
    We clearly order our workers to perform tasks related to stakeholders in a transparent and ethical way. Selection of our partners is conducted based on a clear criteria and transparent assessing process, and we do not request any money, valuables, or treats from stakeholders.
  • 02Restrictions on Earning Unfair Private Profits
    Executive members and staff members of nepes do not carry out any anti-fair performances, such as accepting bribery, solicitation, or preferential treatment for their own and other’s profit. Related to their task performance, they do not carry out any actions for their personal profit (using their position, facilities, or information).
  • 03Prohibited Matters between Workers
    Executive members and staff members of nepes do not privately offer any money and valuables to their superiors or request any money and valuables or treats from their subordinates. Bribery between workers is prohibited and equality between genders is actively supported to respect each other.
  • 04Diligent Report and Protection of the Company's Information
    All information of the company is correctly recorded and reported. In particular, the accountancy records and financial management are done correctly and transparently based on facts according to related laws and generally accepted accounting principles. Important information of the company is maintained and managed following separate security measures.
  • 05Respecting Labor Human Rights
    nepes is operating policies for human rights protection, promotion of rights and interests, and improvement of the relations between labor and capital for its executives and staff members. Additionally, nepes makes efforts to provide workers with opportunities for personal development and care for their health and safety, aside from their own tasks.
  • 06Whistleblow of Violations
    Executive members and staff members of nepes are doing their best to comply with the ethical regulations with the help of the complete charge department to which they can report such violations. Whistleblowers do not gain any disadvantages under the principle of confidentiality with ensured secrecy of their personal information and detailed report content.

 Whistleblower Protection Regulation  for the Protection of Whistleblowers of Unethical Actions

The Whistleblower Protection Provision aims to protect whistleblowers not only for the preservation of the community’s profit but also to efficiently perform ethical management. According to the provision, it is the duty of the executives and staff members of nepes that they should whistleblow whenever they discover unethical actions. Those who whistleblow will be guaranteed their status without gaining any disadvantages or discrimination in their working conditions, and can be rewarded according to the case based on the set criteria.