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Nepes Laweh corporation announced the successful production qualification and ramp-up of the worlds first 600mm x 600mm large panel manufacturing line using Decas M-Series fan-out technologies.


Nepes Laweh held the completion ceremony of the Cheongan Campus PLP Line on December 7th with the presence of Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, Governor of Chungcheongbuk-do, and representatives of customers and partners. The company announced that the FOPLP line completed customer certification in the third quarter and secured a stable yield and entered full-scale mass production.  

The PLP fab, which held the completion ceremony this time, was the first fab built on the 186,000 Cheongan Campus site with 25 soccer fields, and was a total building area of 34,000. This is a level that can produce up to 96,000 panels per year based on 600mm PLP. Based on this next-generation manufacturing line, Nepes is evaluated to be able to provide high-density packaging solutions required for advanced system semiconductors for each application, such as smartphones, automobiles, and IoT, according to customer needs.

"FOPLP is the best packaging solution for high-end semiconductors as a result of long cooperation with global partners such as materials, parts, and equipment," said Chilhee Chung, Chairman of Nepes and GM of Semiconductor Business


Were pleased to be working with nepes to bring the industrys largest format 600mm square panel to volume production commented Tim Olson, CEO of Deca. With initial production focused on single and multi-die packages for leading Smartphone producers, the future is heterogenous integration of chiplets using Decas Gen 2 technology.  A recent customer application with 10 embedded chiplets was designed into a 36mm x 36mm package.  Such a large device is limited to 73% maximum utilization on 300mm round format due to edge losses.  On 600mm, the utilization jumps to 92% delivering greater than 25% cost reduction on area utilization alone. 


About Nepes Laweh

Nepes Laweh is leading company in the system semiconductor industry with advanced fan-out packaging solution. In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, when semiconductors are refined and advanced, such as 5G, self-driving cars, and smartphones, we are presenting new standards for fan-out packages based on nPLP technology using 600mm large square panels.


About Deca Technologies

Deca is a leading provider of advanced packaging technology to the semiconductor industry with M-Series fan-out and Adaptive Patterning® real-time design-during-manufacturing. A growing list of industry leaders have completed technology transfer and license agreements for access to Deca’s proven structures, processes, materials, equipment, design systems and know-how.  Starting with the highest quality and reliability in Gen 1 aimed at Smartphone applications to the growth of Gen 2 for chiplets and heterogeneous integration, Deca’s technologies are emerging as key industry standards for the future.



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